Life In The Fire

for our God is a consuming fire. Hebrews 12:29

Friday, February 24, 2006

Friday's Feast...late once again

Appetizer: Choose one: moving to another state, having triplets, or never being able to eat chocolate again.
I guess I would have to give up chocolate.

Soup: Name a news story that truly shocked you.
Why do people even watch the news?

Salad: What was your very first job?
My first real job was a work-study job at the community college I attended. It was part of my financial aid package. I worked in the Basic Skills Department, which is the office that coordinates the GED and Adult High School Diploma programs. I worked in the office filling out forms, filing, making copies, etc, etc.

Main Course: If you had the chance to read the diary of someone you're really close to, would you? Why or why not?
No, I would not read someone's diary unless they asked me to do so. I keep a journal and to me someone reading my journal without permission is sort of like an act of treason.

Dessert: What's something you're looking forward to?
heaven -- Yeah, I know that's a bit of a Christian cliche, but it's true. I used to not understand why older people were in a hurry to get there. I mean, when you're very young it seems that there are so many good things here on earth, but now I know the truth. Any happiness we have here is but a shadow of what's to come and far too many of our moments here are tainted with pain. When you start to experience that, heaven becomes a beacon of hope on the horizon.

Join the feast!!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Sorting The Mail

My head is so full of ideas that I'm unable to wrap my mind around any one of them. I hate that feeling. It's like I've been given a year's worth of mail at one time. I know I have to do something with all of it, but I don't know where to begin. I need to sort and process my thoughts and feelings. I'm not good with raw emotion. You see, when I gain bits of new information or experience it passes through a grid of my convictions and principles and when it comes out, it may not be any prettier, but it is recognizable and understandable to my mind.

Like when I get mail, after I read the piece of mail and pass the knowledge of what it is through my mind, I then know what to do with it. If it's a bill, I pay it. If it's a magazine, I read it. If it's another credit card other, I toss it. The rest of life is kind of like that too. What type of information or experience it is determines what we do with it. I'm pretty good with the mail, but not so good with the other parts of life.

I get overwhelmed and my thoughts just seem to bounce off one another in my mind. It's almost as if I can literally feel that happening. It's creepy.

I don't know what to do with the "things" in my life. I wish someone would sit down with me and say, "ok, this is what you need to do about that...and this is how to handle this particular problem...and..." But no one ever does that, and I probably wouldn't like it if they did anyway.

Life just keeps coming at you, day after day, whether you have the time, energy, or desire to figure it out. Day to day life seems to require more than I have to give. I don't really understand why. I mean, I know people feel overwhelmed from time to time, but I sometimes wonder if other people really feel it the same way I do. Do they feel that they're hanging onto sanity and survival by one small thread? If I let go of the thread where would I fall? The arms of Jesus or the cold, hard earth?

There are just some things I would rather not have to deal with, like my grandmother being diagnosed with breast cancer, my mom having health problems, and this inner ear crap that I have going on. I guess I want what every other person on earth wants--a problem free existence. But that's not gonna happen. I have to deal with the days as they are given.

Sometimes it feels like I'm trying to fly a kite without string.

Monday, February 06, 2006

eHarmony and Me?

Maybe it's just me, but the eHarmony commercials are getting really old. I think Mr. Warren has bought commercial spots on just about every single cable network available, or at least every one that I watch anyway. Every time I turn on the TV, there he is, parading his happy couples across the screen, trying to entice me to sign up.

Well, the commercials did entice me...but not because of the happy couples. What caught my eye was the free personality profile offered. Being a sucker for personality tests of all kinds I finally caved (it wasn't a hard sale). I meandered over to one day and started working on the 5,000 question profile (it is seriously thorough). Somewhere around question 392 I had a realization--if I completed this questionnaire I would start receiving e-mails encouraging me to sign up for the service and informing me of potential "matches".

Knowing that my curiousity would ultimately trump my good sense, I abandoned the questionnaire and my hopes of receiving my free personality profile. Now, technically, there's no reason I couldn't sign up for the service and take a look at potential matches, being single and unattached as I am. It's just that I don't want to. Or do I?

Maybe the reason I roll my eyes and sneer at the commercials is because they remind me of just how single I am. Now, most days this is not really at the forefront of my mind, but after about 15 eHarmony commercials I begin to "think about it". And I really just don't want to think about it, because if I think about it I'm forced to make a decision, albeit a small one. To sign up or not to sign up?

Actually, you could subsitute any number of things into that question, because while I like to say that there is no one beating my door down for a date, it is equally true that I've done nothing (and I do mean nothing) to pursue dating in any form or fashion. So I guess my real problem with eHarmony is that it forces me to wrestle with this giant question mark in my life that I would rather just pretend didn't exist. Is anyone following this?

I could go on and on, but I'll stop torturing you dear reader. Maybe I'll revisit this topic later. Comments welcome.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Friday's Feast!

Appetizer: On a scale of 1 to 10 (10=highest), how sociable are you?
about a 2--I'm pretty introverted, so socializing doesn't rank very high on my list of fun things to do. And I'm much better in a one on one situation. The more people that are aound, the more uncomfortable I feel.

Soup: Name 3 DVDs you currently own.

Salad: If you were to win a superlative award now (such as most talented, class clown, most likely to succeed), what would it be?
Most Likely To Seek Therapy or maybe Most Likely To Watch The Weather Channel

Main Course: What is your favorite radio station?
WCQR-Comtemporary Christian Music

Dessert:Complete this sentence: I believe __________ because __________.
I believe in God because the evidence is too much to dismiss.

Join the feast!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Just For Fun!

You Passed 8th Grade Math
Congratulations, you got 10/10 correct!

Well, it's nice to know I could still pass 8th grade math, which according to this test is the equivalent of Algebra 1. And people say you never use this stuff in real life?!