Life In The Fire

for our God is a consuming fire. Hebrews 12:29

Monday, September 27, 2004

Today's Beautiful Moment

My brother, who is 4 years old, gave me a piece of folded paper that when opened had a smaller heart-shaped piece of paper stuck inside. He had written his name across the heart (writing his name without assistance is one of the tasks he is currently mastering). He told me it was "a Love Day Heart book." I was moved.

Friday, September 03, 2004

Friday's Feast

Appetizer: If someone gave you 3 new goldfish today, what would you name them?
Finley, Gill, and Splash

Soup: What's the worst movie you've seen this year so far?
I don't watch many movies. The only one I remember watching this year is The Passion Of The Christ. It was pretty good, so I don't guess I have a "worst" movie this year.

Salad: If given the chance and you could pick the person, would you want to switch lives with someone on earth for one whole day?
No way! What if there was a glitch in the system and you couldn't switch back and then you were trapped being someone else for the rest of your (their) life! Scary thought!

Main Course: What's your favorite season? Name 2 things you love about it.
I guess Fall is my favorite season. I love days when the temperature is just right-not too hot, not too cold. And I love the anticipation that starts building as people prepare for the upcoming holidays. There are more things I like about Fall, but I'm trying to play by the rules here, so I'll only list two.

Dessert: What is something you frequently buy that you don't really need?
school/office supplies-- It's sort of an addiction. I'm trying to cut back. I literally have about 20 packs of paper stacked up in my room. I started stocking up for Y2K. I guess I thought that if the world fell apart I was gonna write about it or something. Crazy, I know.
