Life In The Fire

for our God is a consuming fire. Hebrews 12:29

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Me vs. Kitten

We have a new kitten in the house. I am not a fan of animals being in the house. It's think it's an OCD thing. As soon as I've touched the kitten I feel compelled to go wash my hands, thoroughly mind you. I'm sure with enough time and torture, I mean exposure, I will be less obsessed with "cat germs." Maybe having it vet checked and vaccinated, oh say about 50 times, would help too. Until then I'll just keep washing my hands and trying not to breathe in cat hair.

To make matters worse, the kitten seems to be under the impression that I like it. I am the one person in the house that it follows around. It waits for me to sit down and then leaps into my lap. In fact, the little troll just dug it's claws into my leg. There's blood. Oh no...this means war. Stupid cat. GRRR!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

And She's Back it's been a while. I took a little break from the blog, mostly because I didn't have a computer to work on (well actually I had a computer, but it's a long story). I left my job and moved since the last time I posted. Hopefully, now that I'm semi-settled in the new place I can resume posting on a regular basis, but don't hold your breath. I can be a real slacker. It's not that I don't have things to say, it's that I'm not sure if this is the best place to say them. Know what I mean. In one sense this is my personal blog, but at the same time it is very public. It's not that I have illicit secrets or anything like that. I just find it difficult to decide whether to devulge the inner workings of my mind or write what I feel will make me look good (or smart or sane). I thought about starting an anonymous blog, but then I would just have two blogs to feel guilty about neglecting. Stay tuned.