Life In The Fire

for our God is a consuming fire. Hebrews 12:29

Monday, February 06, 2006

eHarmony and Me?

Maybe it's just me, but the eHarmony commercials are getting really old. I think Mr. Warren has bought commercial spots on just about every single cable network available, or at least every one that I watch anyway. Every time I turn on the TV, there he is, parading his happy couples across the screen, trying to entice me to sign up.

Well, the commercials did entice me...but not because of the happy couples. What caught my eye was the free personality profile offered. Being a sucker for personality tests of all kinds I finally caved (it wasn't a hard sale). I meandered over to one day and started working on the 5,000 question profile (it is seriously thorough). Somewhere around question 392 I had a realization--if I completed this questionnaire I would start receiving e-mails encouraging me to sign up for the service and informing me of potential "matches".

Knowing that my curiousity would ultimately trump my good sense, I abandoned the questionnaire and my hopes of receiving my free personality profile. Now, technically, there's no reason I couldn't sign up for the service and take a look at potential matches, being single and unattached as I am. It's just that I don't want to. Or do I?

Maybe the reason I roll my eyes and sneer at the commercials is because they remind me of just how single I am. Now, most days this is not really at the forefront of my mind, but after about 15 eHarmony commercials I begin to "think about it". And I really just don't want to think about it, because if I think about it I'm forced to make a decision, albeit a small one. To sign up or not to sign up?

Actually, you could subsitute any number of things into that question, because while I like to say that there is no one beating my door down for a date, it is equally true that I've done nothing (and I do mean nothing) to pursue dating in any form or fashion. So I guess my real problem with eHarmony is that it forces me to wrestle with this giant question mark in my life that I would rather just pretend didn't exist. Is anyone following this?

I could go on and on, but I'll stop torturing you dear reader. Maybe I'll revisit this topic later. Comments welcome.


At 8:10 PM, Blogger Dave said...

Your post brought my eyes to the top of my Bookmarks bar where eHarmony remains from my experiment with them about 3 months ago. I met some cool people, even went out with one of them. Interestingly enough, everyone I know knows someone who got married to someone that they met on that sight. In my experience, it is very effective...I mostly stopped pursuing it because I met someone who was living here at the time (of course, that didn't fly either, but...)

I came to the realization that God has only very recently brought me to a point where I am ready to meet someone to be "serious" with. Until that last couple of years, relationships for me were always about what I could get out of them. But a couple of years ago, God finally had me at a point where I am ready to love and take care of someone. So, I guess, after a couple of years of being intentionally single, I stated looking seriously, and eHarmony was a natural part of that search. After all, if you're going to look, you may as well look extensively, right?

There's a reason why this is your mind more heavily of late, and I'd bet that the Spirit has a big role in that. Perhaps as you search for that reason, you'll begin drawing close to the end of your journey?

You're in my prayers, Tonia!

At 1:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I can't really top what Dave said, but if I were you, I'd go for it! I've always thought, after seeing those commercials, that if I were single, I'd definitely give eHarmony a go. It's better than having to go to clubs and bars and who-knows-where-else to find a potential friend or future special someone, in my opinion, anyway...

At 9:58 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Tonia. I agree with Dave and Susie. However, when I was still single, eHarmony wasn't around. Are there any singles groups in your church? Maybe that's a possiblity.

At 3:33 PM, Blogger T.K. Chapman said...

Well, I wasn't expecting so much encouragement to go for it. Thanks for all the input everyone. And Dave I certainly appreciate the prayers.

I suppose if I decide to look, eHarmony would be a good place to do it, but I think for now I will leave it alone.

At 2:56 PM, Blogger T.K. Chapman said...

Hi Marla! Thanks for your input. That's interesting about your husband being an ENFP because I got along very well with the one ENFP male that I knew too.


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