Life In The Fire

for our God is a consuming fire. Hebrews 12:29

Friday, December 16, 2005

Friday's Feast

Appetizer: What is a word that your family uses that would not be considered common?
Well, you see, my family is southern, and there are more uncommon words in our vocabulary than I can count! But seriously, I hear that in other parts of the country folks don't use the word ya'll. It's a staple around here. And my grandma has some word variations that I'm not even sure I could spell.

Soup: What theme of calendar do you have on your wall this year?
I haven't even had a wall calendar up this year. In years past I had a weather calendar which I thought was rather cool because I'm a weather junkie.

Salad: Name 3 people you speak with on a daily basis.
my Mom, my Grandma, and my brother

Main Course: If you could put a new tattoo on someone you know - who would it be, what would the tattoo be of, and where would you put it on them?
I do not think tattoos are attractive at all, no offense anyone. So, I would not put one on anybody.

Dessert: What is the last beverage you drank out of a glass bottle?
I think it was a Peach Nehi...and I sure would like to have one right now!

Join the feast!


At 6:02 PM, Blogger Dave said...

Ya know, Tonia, I look forward to your "Friday Feasts!" They just kind of close out the week for me! I've stumbled onto the "y'all" thing since I've moved south, and I even discover now that I've absorbed it into my own vernacular. There are a couple of other things that I've picked up, as well: "cut on the lights" instead of just "turning" them on, and you "might ought" to do something...maybe those are just Virginia specifics, but they amuse me greatly. However, I'm much happier in the south than the north, 'cause it's a whole lot warmer down here most of the year!!

I hope you have an amazing weekend!

At 11:16 AM, Blogger T.K. Chapman said...

Hey Dave,
Glad to hear you enjoy the feasts! And I'm familiar with the "cut on the lights" and "might ought" terms, but what's scary is that I probably wouln't have even thought to consider them "different". I'm truely a southern girl I guess.

Where are you from originally?


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