Life In The Fire

for our God is a consuming fire. Hebrews 12:29

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Getting to know me?

A friend of mine recently asked me to join her for a one-on-one Bible study of sorts, and being the hermit that I am, I hesitated to commit. My mind started generating objections right and left, one or two of which I fielded to my friend. She answered casually, unaware of my inner turmoil, and asked me to pray about it and get back to her.

I prayed and as always secretly hoped that a scroll with the word "yes" or "no" would drop out of the sky. It didn't, as usual, but I did begin to realize that I had no good reason to say no. In fact, my only hesitation was coming from my tendency to not let people get too close to me. And in a one-on-one Bible study, it's kind of inevitable that you will share personal information.

Why is this a problem for me? I could spend hours analyzing that very question. I had a friend that used to tell me I have a mile high wall around my heart. I think she was right. I consider it protection; it functions equally well as a prison though.

I find it ironic that I silently lament that no one really knows me, but when faced with someone that wants to invest time with me, I run as hard as I can in the opposite direction. Go figure. Well, I'm happy to report that I took a step away from my self-imposed solitary confinement. I said yes to my friend's offer. Score one for Christian community. This could be exactly what I need, and I just don't know it yet.


At 5:26 PM, Blogger Dave said...

Steps out of our comfort zone like this always result in our becoming better persons and stronger Believers.

My wife has the same kind of introverted personality...a delicate mix of artistic withdrawal and New England hesitancy. But God never intended for us to live our lives alone. We weren't designed to, because He didn't, and He made us in His image. Companionship will be healing to you, I promise. But it may be uncomfortable along the way, so be ready to deal with that.

At 7:12 PM, Blogger T.K. Chapman said...

Thanks Dave!


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